my story, my history.

23 Feb

I’m archiving this blog.

I started it in 2010, soon after my family and I moved to Louisville so that I could be the minister at First Unitarian Church, a position I left quite a few years ago now. Maybe I should have done this back then, but I had no idea what the future would hold. And there are still a few gems on here from post-2016. 

I suppose I could just remove the blog entirely, but I think it is a pretty decent resource. It still gets a few hits a day, usually, so I think someone else out there might agree.

I’m proud of much of the writing that’s on here. So many sermons.  So much thinking! Going back through these posts, I see my own evolution into the person that I am today. And that is pretty amazing to be able to see.

I’d like to write again, someday. Maybe finish that book about Roller Derby that I started. Or another paper for a study group that allows me to immerse myself in a topic. Or maybe have a job that requires me to write again. And when that happens, maybe I’ll start it back up.  

If you are here looking for something, I recommend the search bar at the top. I was also pretty good about tagging posts according to topic and category, so you might find those useful.

For those of you who subscribed, thank you for reading all these years. And for all of you who stumble across this blog after a web search, I hope you find what you are looking for.

With deep gratitude,


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